Sunday, June 7, 2009


currency symbolsMost of the international countries have there own currency symbol like $ (US Dollar), £ (Great Britain pound), € (Euro), ¥ (Japanese Yen), etc etc. There is no official or special symbol for our Indian currency. Generally we use Rs., or INR, or रु or रुपया (Hindi) to represent the Indian rupees. What if you get a chance to design the Indian currency symbol ?

Ministry of Finance, India, recently started a competition for designers or general public to design the Indian currency symbol. So if you have artist in you then start designing the symbol.

To get more detailed information about this competition just download this PDF fromwebsite of the Ministry of Finance, India.

Source : Ministry of Finance, India.

Last date for submittion of entries is 15th April 2009.

According to PDF,

The symbol has to be either in the Indian National Language Script or a visual representation but should be applicable to the standard computer keyboard.

So be ready for new symbol, will it change the current structure of keyboards ? or it will be assigned through ASCII codes !!
This will be interesting to see for people like me :) . As this may create evolution in keyboards system.

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